Thursday, October 1, 2009

Spanking is good manners at weddings.

I love this video. It shows both the bride and the groom having fun at the wedding. I think the groom has way to much fun at most weddings. Looking at all the videos posted, the guys are stripping, dancing to Thriller, getting drunk and generally all around having a blast o rama.

I think the bride is too caught up in the reception and if anyone's having fun, especially the mother-in-law. Brides shouldn't be allowed to plan their own weddings. They should be given a check list of things they want:
Groom: etc. Personally I would opt for George Clooney, or maybe not, who knows, but it would be great to have a little surprise once in a while.

Listen in tomorrow, Friday, on at 1:00est to my show on wedding manners from both sides. Call in and tell us your story: 305-294-2769.
click here
