Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween Manners

Of course there are manners for Halloween. The most obvious one is: DO NOT steal candy from little kids. That is so mean. It's okay to trade candy, but no stealing.

Of course it's also bad manners to eat so much candy you puke. That is a very painful way to make yourself sick. Trust me on this, I know. The goodness of the candy only lasts about five minutes.

Trick or Treating is so different than when I was a kid. I'm going to date myself, but I remember that my parents would let me wander around town until all hours, by myself, knocking on strangers doors! I remember once when I was eight I realized I had been walking away from my house since 6:30pm when it got dark until 11:00pm. I was a very long way from home...I don't remember when I got home, but even I was concerned.

No one seemed to mind. My brothers grabbed my FULL bag and switched out all their bad candy for what they thought was good. They didn't know just how good those 'Baked Bean' peanuts were, or the wax lips, or dots and other candy I learned to like.

Happy Halloween,
