Thursday, October 29, 2009

More Halloween Manners

Yes, I can go on and on about Halloween Manners...

Remember when you were a kid and decided to do a group costume, then when you walked out the door to pick up the other kids, there they were in a different costume than yours....

Halloween is like prom for kids. It's a chance for kids to dress up and express themselves. But, of course there are always the spoil sports who have no manners.

If you're going to change the costume, let everyone know. Also, if you're having a Halloween party, you need to invite everyone. Who knows, the dorky kid may not be so dorky when he or she's behind a mask. Some people are just shy.

In this day of H1N1 flu I think I would forego the bobbing for apples. But the peeled grape eyeballs are always a hit!

Tomorrow: Part Three and then I promise, no more Halloween Manners until next year!
