Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Everyday Manners

Why do Mothers of young children insist on talking about bodily functions and other self absorbed subjects that only another mother of a young child would be interested in talking about?

The irony here is that most mothers complain that all they talk about is children. These women need to read the news online. If they would only read the headlines that would be a tremendous improvement on their conversational capabilities. Maybe they could turn off the oldies for children CD or watch the news instead of Sprout and learn one new current fact. If that is too much then they could read a billboard or two as they are driving their child too and from daycare. Something is wrong when a Moms idea of entertainment is watching her 18 month old son attempt to sing Spiderman....

These young Mothers have a huge affect on our world. They are the main consumers of our economy and cultural contibutors...egad...we are in trouble. No wonder Disney has existed for almost a century...they appeal to these women who were once physicists, doctors, lawyers and artists.

Brainwashing is very bad manners.
