Wednesday, June 17, 2009

manners for everyday people for everyday situations

I just posted a new video link on my facebook page: facebook/amandapipersmith and on my twitter: amandasmanners regarding personal space.

I feel these days with an obvious lack of manners and a pandemic amidst us personal space is important. Manners, are about respect and consideration for people. With manners one can navigate through even the most arduous confrontations.

Some basics: Men do not extend your hand to shake to a woman. Only if a woman extends her hand to you should you shake it. Never shake hands with gloves on, unless in Antarctica or a similar cold climate, but then it could be frowned upon. Do as the natives.

No, you do not have to kiss to greet people and frankly I don't think we should be going around kissing everyone willy nilly. When someone zooms in on me to kiss on the lips that I do not want to kiss on the lips, I turn my head at the last minute so at the worst they kiss my cheek. Please do not lick your lips before kissing a hello. It may make them look attractive, but usually leaves slobber all over the other's cheek and I can say from experience is VERY distasteful. Usually older women do this, I do not know why.

If someone extends their hand to you, but for medical reasons you cannot accept the handshake then by all means a simple declaration of, unfortunately I have arthritis or a medical condition that forbids me to handshake, or causes me great pain to handshake. Frankly, I've wanted to use this when wearing rings and a man with a huge ham hock grabs my hand and pumps it like an over zealous politician! not crush the other's hand it is not a competition, nor leave your hand limp like a dead fish...practice until you get it right. Teach your children or neighbors children to shake hands.

And remember let's be mindful of others. After all manners is about communication.
