Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Manners Post Dinner

Thanksgiving is over...or at least the dinner. No one can seem to stuff one more piece of turkey, spoon one more scoop of mashed potatoes or fork in another bite of pumpkin pie. A little moaning and some groaning is going on and hopefully a burp or two of relief...don't forget to say EXCUSE me when bodily air escapes.

As a guest, it is your job to offer to clean up. When refused, carry some dishes to the kitchen anyway. Be mindful that the best china may have been used. Do not stack the dishes. Ask the host what they would prefer you do. Some hosts prefer to leave the mess behind closed doors. OBEY, that is what a good guest does.

People are leaving. A good mannered host, has plates of leftovers ready for their departing guests. A well mannered guest does not expect leftovers and may NOT ask for any, unless all the other guests have left and you are helping the host store leftovers away. Then if you notice an abundance of leftovers, you may ask.

As we say in the real world, "no pain, no gain". You didn't cook, you don't get leftovers.
