Friday, November 20, 2009

More Thanksgiving Manners

Who doesn't love Adam Sandler's crazy songs...

Thanksgiving is fast will be here before you know it, then it will be gone and all that will be left will be an abhorrance to anything pumpking and loss of memory from too much drinking.

Remember when you were little and couldn't wait for Thanksgiving to arrive. The whole family came and you sat down to a wonderful feast that was a hundred times better than the one you had to have at school to re-enact the original Thanksgiving.

Life was so much simpler then. You got to eat only your favorite foods, mashed potatoes and cranberry relish and finish everyone's glass of wine when you cleared the table. Life couldn't get any better.

But now you're an adult and you'll be criticized both for eating only mashed potatoes and cranberry relish and finishing other's drinks when you clear the table.

That's because we're supposed to know better. I'm not sure what we know better. Thanksgiving is not as much fun anymore and usually ends up with someone crying, someone drunk and someone yelling and ironically this can all be the same person!

What to do?
Have Thanksgiving dinner while watching the movie, 'A Christmas Story.' You won't have to talk; so everyone will enjoy their dinner, eating what ever they want and drinking how much they want one will be watching them. Everyone will be watching the movie.

There will be more Thanksgiving manners to come...I promise.
