Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thanksgiving is fast approaching gentle hostess with the mostess...

Of course you stress out over Thanksgiving. It's a holiday that you spend days preparing for, hours to cook and it seriously only lasts about 45 minutes depending on how good the table conversation is. Why do we do this to ourselves? Because we are suckers for adulation. It is the one time when a commoner who doesn't have a publicist can become a celebrity. If we preare a sumptuous meal that people enjoy...and if you make them wait an extra hour, they will be starving so they'll love it, we are the stars.

In this day an age when we rarely feel appreciated, Thanksgiving offers accolades for cooks everywhere. At the end of the dinner take a bow and let someone else clean up. Trust me, the chipped plate or broken stuben glass won't be missed. You deserve to put your feet up and have that last glass of wine from the bottle you hid in the back of the refrigerator.
