Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Julia Child and Manners

I just saw the film Julia & Julie. It was adorable, which isn't a word I usually like to use as it's a bit saccharin for my taste, but it just was. I don't think Julia Child would've liked the film, but for those of us who think of her as the perfect woman as Julie does, will. Just watching the fabulous scenery in Paris and the amazing meals being made, your mouth waters. Such fun.

Julia Child did teach Americans how to cook French food and thank goodness for that. She opened up not only the doors of ovens, but the doors into how people eat and share meals and why this is so important. Life was much simpler then when this book came out. We didn't have the Internet, cell phones, video games etc. Our families were expected to partake in at least the dinner meal together. Now, parents are struggling for time with their children, not because of work, but because of technology.

Turn everything off one night a week. Light the candles, pour some wine and enjoy a family meal or a dinner for two or even just yourself and savor every bite and think about the day and what went right. Talk about the day with your children or partner, laugh, cry and then laugh again. Then pat yourself on the back and kiss the cook. Don't forget to clean up.

This is what good manners is about: communication.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shxl6g3RyH8 Enjoy.
